This is your starter site, a single page online storefront. All of the images and text on this page can be changed to personalize the site for brand and to communicate your unique story to your customers.
By Invitation; Thurs 4:35pm - 5:35pm; April 10, 17, 24; May 1, 8, 15
Participant Legal First and Last Name
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Has ARA registration form been previously completed?
Does this participant have a documented disability that requires an accommodation(s) to participate in this program? If yes, please fully describe what reasonable accommodation(s) the applicant requires and submit appropriate documentation (e.g. an IEP/504 plan) to before first class/session. Failure to disclose any requested information, or providing inaccurate, incomplete and/or false or misleading information, may result in the disqualification or dis-enrollment. Fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
Product Details
with Mr. Tino
By invitation
Thurs 4:35pm - 5:35pm
Quarter 4 - April 10, 17, 24; May 1, 8, 15
Please CLICK HERE to complete registration forms for each participant if not a current student of American Renaissance Academy.
Program fees will not be prorated for missed days and refunds will not be made for absences and voluntary withdrawal. Financial aid is not available for enrichment programs. Fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
All programs subject to a minimum of 4 students in order to run, unless approved by instructor.